Wow! The past 3 weeks have flown by - and while I have accomplished a lot, there's not much to show for it.
Last night was the latest installment of FNSI! I had a project started earlier this week, and had great plans to finish it last night - and then the post office went on strike. I am the coordinator for the delivery of our local newspaper, and while most of the papers are delivered inside the town limits by a great team of carriers, a lot more of them go to the rural areas through Canada Post. The news has to go out! So, I have spent the better part of the last 2 days driving up and down country roads and highways, making sure that most of our subscribers get their paper. And that seriously cut into sewing and crafting time :-(
BUT, I did manage to get all the blocks done for my newest quilt! One of my online quilting friends had made a cute baby quilt using eyelet fabric and a soft print. I've been wanting to make one too, and finally managed to find the perfect eyelet fabric. The holes in it are very small, so no way for a baby to get fingers caught in it. It took me longer to find the print, but I found fabric after our last quilt guild meeting (we meet in a quilt shop), so got it home. washed and ready to go. So, there's a pic of the fabrics (forgot to take pics of it until after I'd cut it up), and one of the finished blocks. I'm still debating how to put it together - sashing maybe, with the prints for cornerstones? or just sashing? It's going to be too small to just sew the blocks together, plus I think it needs a break between the blocks. Suggestions, anyone?