Of course, the following picture is proof that I am getting something done - at the beginning of the month, I had a pattern and a pile of blocks, and now I have most of the quilt top assembled. I would maybe even have a finished top, if only I could find the fabric for the inner border of this quilt...
At any rate, I have the proof - I tried 5 times to get a pic of the whole top, but suffice it to say that one short person cannot take a picture of the entire top of a 60" square quilt when it's laying on the floor - there were no tall people available to hold the top up either, so you'll have to use your imagination to envision the whole thing - and I'll "book" a tall adult now, to make sure that the finished picture is more complete. So, you'll only get to see part of it now, but the 16 blocks are all there! Here's the picture:
And now I'm off to bed - tomorrow's looking like a very long day, and I need my beauty sleep!