Have you ever put a furnace into an existing house? No? It means opening up walls to run ductwork into rooms - and we have 3 levels... So, everything in our basement, family room and sewing room had to be "evacuated" so that ceilings and interior walls could be removed. Ductwork and furnace installation started yesterday, and should be done in a week or so. Insulation, wiring and drywall? who knows....
All this to say that not much stitching has happened. I had signed up with Leanne Parsons @devotedquilter to do a QAL of her Medallion Magic pattern. The fabric is bought, but I have no idea where my pattern is right now. I also signed up for the 2019 Hands2Help challenge again this year, and managed to make a small quilt with fabric left over from a baby quilt I made 3 years ago, and a few burp pads for one of the charities - Jack's Basket, so they'll be going out in the mail on Monday.

I also did up a few blocks for Kat's block drive for Covered in Love
and finished a pile of blue Raspberry Kiss blocks for Dara @stitchedquiltingco - she'll make them into quilts for families of fallen Canadian police officers.
I've also been working on some knitting - prayer shawls mostly - and a baby sweater has been started for a baby due in mid-April - I'll share photos when they get finished.
Linking to Quilting is More Fun Than Housework and Confessions of a Fabric Addict