Well, I just might survive this week - lots of family stuff going on, and the weather! it's almost unbearable....
But, good things have happened this week too, so I'm truly thankful for that. Celebrating with the latest FNSI has helped too!
I had such grand plans for this month's sew-in, but they say that "the best laid plans of mice and men something-something" - I forget the rest, but you know what it means - everything went out the window! I did well to find an hour or two last night to work on a quilting project.

I am a member of an online quilting group; one of the members posted a comment the other day about a 4-patch posey project - that got me wondering what a 4-patch posey was, so I googled it, and found that it's similar to a "stack and whack" - any non-quilters reading this will have to look it up. I had an odd piece of fabric that I'd inherited at our quilt guild's last yard sale. I had no idea what to do with it, so I tucked it away. Well, I came across it Thursday, and thought I'd give the 4-patch posey a try.... and I think it came out fairly well! I've included a pic of the fabric so

you can see what I started with. Basically, you cut 4 identical patches of fabric, cut them into 4, then take all the bottom left corner blocks, put them together; do the same with the other 3 block sets. Then you take one pile, and give each block a twist. Make sure that each section twists the same way. Sew them together, and voila! a 4-patch posey block!
Some of the blocks worked out better that others, but I've chosen a few to show you here. Just don't ask me what I'm going to do with the "new" blocks - I have NO idea! I might make a warm wishes quilt with them, but that's the only thing I've come up with so far. I might just leave it for the August FNSI!