I'm still plugging along on my various scrappy projects - the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge, and Quilty 365. You may remember that I didn't actually finish my purple Pieced Tulips for March's Rainbow Scrappy Challenge - but I've not only caught up with the purple blocks that I should have completed for last month, but I've leapt ahead and made all 5 blocks in April's chosen colour (orange)!
On top of all of that, I've still keeping up with my daily Quilty 365 (Dancing Plus) blocks. I'm trying to make a few quilts for the Hands2Help quilt project, and I have 2 newer projects to make, sooner rather than later. One is a quilt for one of my son's best friends. Mark, and the love of his life, Ashley, are getting married in about a month, so a quilt is definitely required. I chose the pattern a few months ago, and I've been picking up fabric here and there, but the time has come to get that quilt assembled! As well, the son of a very dear friend and his wife, are expecting their first baby early this summer - again, a perfect occasion for a quilt!
So far, only the Pieced Tulip blocks and the Quilty 365 blocks are ready to show - so, first are the five purple blocks from March:

Two of them were done in March (the lightest and the darkest blocks), but I finally made the other 3 blocks.

I was on a roll, and I decided that it would just make sense to carry on with the April blocks in orange!

And, while I had the orange fabric out, I cut a block for the Quilty 365 project - it's here with the blocks for the first 9 days of April.
Just in case you're thinking that I haven't done much the past few weeks, let me assure you that a lot of knitting has also been accomplished - nothing that I can share right now - but it's taken up some of my valuable "crafting" time. I've also been spending a lot of time with my dad - he just turned 87 at the end of March, and needs a little extra attention... and I managed to spend a day looking after my favourite (and only!) grandson.
I'm planning to post two quilt tops that I've assembled for Hands2Help in the next day or two, so pop back in Tues. or Wed. to see what I've done for this wonderful charity project - or click on the button on my sidebar to check out what they need - maybe you can help them out too!
I'm off to link-up with
So Scrappy - there are lots of lovely orange projects there!