I'm not looking forward to summer being over just yet, but the fall season does mean a little more sewing time for me. The garden has yielded most of it's goodies, and the bulk of the canning / freezing is finished. Fair season is in full swing - I've judged at 2 local fairs so far, and have 2 more to do. BUT, I've managed to set some time aside to sew! I can't get over how good it feels to sit behind the machine again - and even pressing is fun right now.
But, because it's been such a long time coming, I've got a multitude of projects in the works. Add to that, we bumped into a long-time friend last week, and she mentioned that her granddaughter had just had a baby boy! Of course, that means either a quilt or sweater is needed! Fortunately, I had some charm packs that I got earlier this summer - and I had even started cutting and sewing some blocks for a quilt. UNfortunately, I can't find most of the fabrics / blocks right now. I did piece together the ones I did find, and laid them out, but it's obviously too small and too "blue" (even though it is a baby boy...). A quick search of my sewing room turned up nothing except the border fabric. (I need to get in there with a search warrant, I'm afraid).
But here are the blocks so far....
Some of the fabrics are very washed out, and I may just leave them out of the finished quilt (or use them for the back / label).
Also, earlier this summer, our 8 year old cat ended up at the vet's - he's tiny for his breed (Maine Coon), but he was downright scrawny. He normally tips the scale at about 11 lbs. but was down to just over 7. He spends most of the summer roaming the neighbourhood, and we only see him for a few minutes here and there - but hubby picked Buddy up on one of his brief visits "home" to eat, and was shocked at how thin he was. We've already lost 2 'Coons - one to a malignancy, and one to a heart condition, and we were both sure that we were dealing with something similar. Long story short, it was a minor issue - and a change in diet has him back up to 10.5 lbs again. What does that have to do with quilting? Well, we were sure we'd have to have him put down - and the clinic wraps them up in old donated bath towels. I asked if they'd like a few small quilts donated for that purpose, and they were thrilled! I had been making some blocks with a bright teal Kona and a print as my latest "leader / ender", so I grabbed them, and stitched up 2 small quilt tops. I picked up some cute animal print fabrics for the backs - and hopefully, I'll be able to finish these quilts up and deliver them next week.

And finally, today's project - I've been slowly adding to my stash of 'Raspberry Kiss' blocks - it's going to be a quilt for our bed - and I stitched up another 11 blocks. Our bed is a queen, so I have a way to go yet, but there's no rush for it.
So, Quilting ADD seemed like a perfect description of my last 2 weeks of sewing!